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[VIDEO]: Junair’s Dedication to Spraybooth Innovation

The Select Control System
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Junair have gained a strong reputation in the automotive paint industry for their dedication to innovation. One of Junair’s most exciting developments is its selective control system. The selective control system is born from a desire to achieve the perfect job for every manufacturer. Junair recognised earlier on that depending on the paint and the surface a different setting would be needed for every variable to ensure the perfect result.

Classically, spray booth systems were fairly primitive in their control options. A typical machine only allows for two settings, time and temperature. While this basic approach was suitable 10 years ago, the face of the industry has changed drastically. The sheer amount of paints on the market is astronomical and it is impossible to rely on basic settings for a good paint job.

Essentially the new technology offers a host of pre-set selections that allows for versatile programming, which is created in direct accordance with different types of paint. Some paint can be heated quickly, others slowly. By utilising the selective control system a range of settings can be pre-programmed ensuring every variable is taken into account. By utilising the system the margin for error is drastically reduced, essentially guaranteeing that no defect will occur if used correctly.

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